Terms & Conditions of Sales

The lessor certifies that the rented property complies with the provisions of the Walloon Tourism Code of April 1, 2010.

The lessor sends this contract to the tenant, in two copies duly completed and signed.
The tenant returns to the lessor, within a maximum period of 10 days following the date of receipt of the contract, a copy completed and signed by him. The tenant pays the deposit within the same period.
The balance is due 30 days before entry into use on the account BE75 0014 0782 4351 (BIC: GEBABEBB) of Paysages et Saveurs SPRL with the contract number communicated, with the exception of late reservations, in which case the amount Total rental will be paid no later than the day of arrival.
If the lessor does not receive the copy of the contract due to him, or the deposit, within the allotted time, he may cancel the rental by registered letter, fax or e-mail confirmed by post within 8 days following the scheduled date. for the payment of the deposit or the effective return of the contract signed by the tenant.
If this has not been duly completed by the lessor, the tenant may, without compensation, terminate the contract until he takes possession of the rented goods.

Arrival is from 4 p.m.
Departure is by 10 a.m. at the latest.
When departure is on a Sunday or a public holiday, it is scheduled between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

The tenant uses the rented property in accordance with its intended purpose and as a good father. It is required to respect the maximum planned capacity. Any violation of this clause may result in the immediate termination of this contract, at the fault of the tenant, the rental amount remaining definitively acquired by the lessor.
The use of a fryer is strictly prohibited in and around the rented property (fire safety) .

Pets are allowed for an additional charge of €10.00 per stay and per animal.

An inventory of the equipment of the rented property is carried out at the start and end of the stay. This inventory must be signed by both parties to demonstrate the condition of the rented property and its equipment.
The tenant must return the property in the condition in which he received it. He is responsible for any loss or damage. Any difference with the inventory or anomaly must be reported to the lessor or his representative, no later than 10:00 a.m., the day after the day of arrival.

Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter, fax or e-mail confirmed by post.The tenant may propose to the lessor the transfer of his lease, under his entire responsibility, to a person designated by him and who agrees to contract under the same conditions. In this case, the deposit is deemed paid by the assignee. The tenant can also propose to the lessor to replace a person for the enjoyment of the accommodation, while remaining the holder of the contract, including during the duration of the contract. This implies that he remains personally liable for all his initial obligations. The express agreement of the lessor is required and only concerns the designated person(s). In other cases, the 50% deposit remains with the lessor as compensation. This compensation is increased to:

  • 10% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 90 to 31 days before the start of the stay
  • 50% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 30 to 21 days before the start of the stay.
  • 75% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 20 to 8 days before the start of the stay.
  • 100% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs less than 8 days before the start of the stay or if the tenant does not show up.

If the cancellation is the fault of the lessor, the latter may offer the tenant accommodation of the same or higher quality at the price of their reservation.
In the absence of such a proposal or in the event of refusal by the tenant, the lessor must reimburse the tenant the deposit paid as well as the balance of the price of the stay if this has already been paid and also pay him equivalent compensation:

  • 25% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 90 to 31 days before the start of the stay.
  • 50% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 30 to 21 days before the start of the stay.
  • at 75% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs 20 to 8 days before the start of the stay.
  • 90% of the price of the stay if the cancellation occurs less than 8 days before the start of the stay.

However, compensation is not due in the event of force majeure.
If the tenant does not appear within 24 hours following the arrival date mentioned on the contract

  • the contract automatically becomes void,
  • the deposit remains with the lessor who reserves the right to claim the balance from the tenant,
  • the lessor can dispose of his property.

The premature departure of the tenant, whatever the reason, does not result in any reimbursement - even partial - of the price of the stay.

Any amount due by the tenant, and not paid ten days after its due date, will automatically produce and without formal notice, for the benefit of the lessor, interest of 1% per month from its due date, the interest for any month started being due for the entire month.

The tenant occupies the premises like a good father. He assumes responsibility for the rented property, the equipment and the land made available to him. He reimburses the lessor for all costs incurred as a result and undertakes to report any damage. By renting the accommodation, the tenant is legally required to return it in the condition in which he received it, including in the event of fire (art 1732, 1733 and 1735 of the CC.). ""Paysages et Saveurs"" has subscribed to a non-recourse clause from the company against the tenant.

The obligations of this lease are indivisible and joint with the tenant, his heirs or his assigns, in whatever capacity whatsoever.

The tenant undertakes to behave respectfully towards residents and the environment in general: fauna, flora, various equipment, etc.

In the absence of agreement between the parties, they will submit their grievances to the Gîtes de Wallonie secretariat who will attempt to propose an amicable solution. Failing this, only the courts of the judicial district of the place where the building is located have jurisdiction.